Migration Complete! (+26 Miles)
January 20, 2010: Migration Day 89

The Chass 10 are home! On the ground are Sara, Eva, Matt, and Dr. Richard Urbanek. They will monitor these young cranes over the winter.

WHOOPEEEE!!! Today the Chass Ten flew to the finish! Cranes 901, 903, 904, 905, 907, 913, 919, 924, 927 and 929 touched down at their new winter home at 10:07 this morning. (See photo slide show) Loyal followers to the end, they now begin their new life as wild, migratory birds. In the next few days they'll get health checks and the permanent band colors that identify them for the rest of their lives. Then they will slowly become wild and free. In April or May, we will track them on their first solo migration as they migrate back—with no human help—to the flock's Wisconsin nesting grounds.

The amazing Class of 2009 is the ninth group to be guided by ultralights from central Wisconsin to Florida for the winter. Nine Direct Autumn Release (DAR) chicks also made their first southward migration. High fives and hearty congratulations to the Operation Migration Team for an outstanding migration, and to the entire Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership for a conservation story to celebrate. And congratulations to YOU for hanging in there with the cranes and planes for this outstanding adventure! We'll see you back when the Journey North begins!

In the Classroom

(a) The goal of this Whooping crane reintroduction is to have 125 birds including 25 breeding pairs, by the year 2020. How old will you be then?
(b-for-bonus) The new flock has 85 wild migratory cranes. Now, adding the nine DAR cranes and 20 ultralight-led cranes in the Class of 2009, what is the flock's total population? What percentage of the goal for total number of Whooping cranes in the new flock has been met?

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure presented in cooperation with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).