The Sun's Daily Cycle

JN for Kids Activity
* The Sun's Daily Cycle

Optional Handouts
* Observing Change

* Student Question Sheet
* Teacher's Answer Sheet

Extra Teacher Background
* Reasons for Seasons

Observing Change

Overview: Students observe a slideshow of the Earth from space. They notice patterns in how sunlight hits the Earth over the course of a day — and try to make sense of the changes they see.

Teaching Ideas

  • The first time students run through the slide show, have them click through fairly quickly to create an animation. Ask, What patterns did you notice? What questions do you have?
  • Next, have them click through more slowly. Pass out copies of the Observing Change handout and have them record their observations and ideas.
  • As a class, discuss students' observations, explanations, and questions related to the changes they observed. Explain that, throughout their Journey North adventures, they'll have an opportunity to discover some of the "whys" behind what they see. (The teacher versions of the question handout, below, can help you guide the class discussion.)

Digging Deeper
Consider running through one of the slideshows again. This time, help students make sense of what they're seeing. You can ask the class questions on the sheet below. (The teacher version includes answers.) If you have older students, pass out copies of the student version and have them work on their own.

Optional Resources for
Observing The Sun's Daily Cycle

Question Sheet for Slideshow

Animation of the Sun's Daily Cycle