Answers from the Students in Mexico Spring 2013
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Monarch Conservation

We interviewed the students at “San Jeronimo Pilitas” Secondary School to learn what they knew about monarch conservation.

1. Have you ever tagged monarchs as part of your school? Alguna vez han etiquetado mariposas en su escuela?
Students: No, nunca hemos hecho ésta actividad. (Estela, tuvo que explicar en que consiste y el propósito de hacerlo)
*  No, we haven’t. (Estela had to explain what tagging consists of and the purpose of this.)

Many of the families that live in this community make part of their living by logging. Estela was sensitive about asking questions about the problem of logging the forests because she didn't want the children to feel bad about their parents' situations.

2. How do you feel when you see butterflies flying overhead? Cómo se ve cuando las Mariposas vuelan sobre México?
Students: We feel happy that our land is the winter home for them. We feel our land is important and special.
Nos sentimos felices de que nuestra tierra sea su casa de Invierno./Sentimos que nuestra tierra es importante y especial.

3. Do you see monarchs in the autumn when they arrive, or in the spring when they leave? Se ven más Monarcas en Otoño cuando llegan ó en la Primavera cuando ya se van?
Students: Many times we do not see so many when they are arriving, because they arrive as if creeping,  but they fly in enormous groups when they are living. Muchas veces no vemos cuando llegan porque lo hacen como sigilosamente, pero vuelan en enormes grupos cuando se están yendo.

4. Do you provide any kind of feeders or special food for the monarchs? Les proporcionan comederos a las Monarcas ó algún tipo de sembradíos a las Monarcas?
Students: No, absolutely not.
No, absolutamente nada.

5. Do you visit the monarch sanctuaries? Suelen ir a los Santuarios a visitar a las Monarca?
Students: Sometimes but not every year.
Algunas veces, pero no cada año.

6. What do you like most about the Monarch? Do you ever play with them? Qué es lo que más te gusta de las Monarca? Juegas algunas veces con ellas?
Students: We like their color, their wings, we like to see how high they fly and how powerful they are to fly such long distances. We know we shouldn’t play with them because they are live beings.
Nos gusta su color, sus alas, nos gusta ver lo alto que vuelan y lo Fuertes que son al volar tan largas distancias. Sabemos que no debemos jugar con ellas porque son seres vivos.

7. Are the trees around where you live covered with monarchs in winter? Todos los árboles que rodean el lugar donde vives están cubiertos por mariposas?
Students: They settle deep into the forest and we cannot see them at all, unless we visit the Sanctuaries.


monarchs in flight

We feel happy that our land is the winter home for monarchs