October 14, 2016, Mary Hosier

From Alaska to Texas citizen scientists plant tulip gardens in anticipation of spring.

blooming tulips
Dreama Beattie, Ashland, Ohio

Planting Time
With weather cooperating, student scientists are getting outside to plant Test Gardens. In Saskatoon, Saskatchewan students planted just days before 30 cm of heavy fresh snow fell. Planting in a scientific experiment was exciting.

Alberta: "We made sure that the bulbs were planted with the pointy side up."

New Brunswick: "We went through the checklist to make sure it was a good spot to plant."

Alaska: "We are planting by drilling holes using a 3" auger."

Massachusetts: "I like how we all got to measure and dig. I'm excited for spring."

New York: "Will they die underground all winter?"

West Virginia: "We explored the inside of a bulb."

Gardeners in New Brunswick
New Brunswick

planting time

Explore Tulip Bulbs
Inside and Out


Free Bulbs for New Gardens!
Red Emperor tulip bulbs available now for first-time Journey North gardening classrooms.

Launch page for tulip garden contest


Map and Journal

After planting: Report to the map.

Journey North Climate Garden Map: North America Journal
  Fall Map
report | map | list

Next Update November 9, 2016