Update: March 17, 2011
Please report:

Happy West Virginia gardeners were dancing in their garden this week. Under melted snow the students found green shoots! Across the map Test Gardens are blooming. Study map animations using the mapserver this week. What patterns can you see as you study the Test Garden maps over time? Find out if spring moves from south to north. Decide if you are having an normal spring.

Today's Report Includes:

Image of the Week

Maps, Questions, and Highlights

The view on St. Patrick's Day looks GREEN!

  • "We KNOW spring has arrived!!!" exclaimed students at Lake Forest Country Day School.
  • After checking their garden, Hurricane High School students reported, "We went outside, and to our great surprise, the tulips were emerging! We were so excited we danced and laughed."

The middle of the continent is warming up, and gardeners in warmer climates are seeing RED. From California to North Carolina, and from England to Italy, proud gardeners have declared spring's arrival with their blooming Red Emperors gardens.

Daytime temperatures continue to rise and the days have lengthened noticeably this month.

A look at last week's high temperatures can help us understand the pattern of test garden emergence in North America. Where do you think the latest gardens will emerge? Why?

extreme temps
March 5-12
High temperatures
Tulip Test Gardens: North America
Journey North Test Gardens: Europe, Fall 2010

Journey North Test Gardens: Europe, Fall 2010

(North America)
Mapping the Green Wave of Spring

Journey North uses the tulip test garden to indicate spring's arrival throughout the country. But here's a question to ponder:

"Does spring truly move northward?"

Imagine drawing the wave of spring at different stages and dates over the next few weeks. What would it look like? What patterns have you noticed on the Test Garden maps this spring?

mapserver date selectionTrack the wave of spring with the Mapserver

Explore: Is This a Normal Spring?

Does it feel warmer or colder than last year at this time? Is this a normal spring or is it earlier or later than usual? What does your gut say? How could you verify this?

This may be the way to begin a discussion about the "big issue" of climate change in your own classroom. Monitor your temperatures and compare them to the national climate maps.

Track temperatures and find the answer to this:
"Is this a NORMAL spring?"
Related Journey North Lessons and Links
More Journey North Lessons and Teaching Ideas!
The Next Tulip Garden Update Will Be Posted on March 24, 2011.