How Does your Garden Grow?
May 3, 2017 Mary Hosier

How fast do tulips grow? Test Gardens are good for studying the influence of temperature and precipitation on plant growth.

blooming tulips
"A few tulips survived and bloomed during the nice weather over the weekend.
Then this morning the kindergarteners came to school to find snow on the blossoms!"
- Jessica McEwen in Minneapolis, Minnesota on April 24th.

Another surprise snow fell on Test Gardens across the Rocky Mountains and into the Plains this week. Watch the map for the far northern gardens to emerge and bloom.

"Weather extremes did a job on our Tulip Test Garden. We observed 4 cm growth in 24 hours on 80°F days, while on 40°F days we observed less than 1 cm of growth in 24 hours for our tulips. #welovejourneynorthtuliptestgardens"
Salem, New Hampshire on April 28th.

"Bloom Day! I planted 3 groups of 8 tulips: Sprayed one group with deer repellent, caged one group and left one group alone. Only the caged group of tulips bloomed. The other 16 tulips were delicious; so thought the deer."
Saint Paul, Minnesota on April 29th.

bulb for planting
Proud Troop

bulb for planting
Gathering Data

Spotlight: Woodbury School in Salem, New Hampshire
How fast do tulips grow? This is the question students in Salem, New Hampshire have investigated for several springs. Roller coaster temperatures in the spring gives them the opportunity to collect some interesting data.

"Our tulips grew 2 cm per day during 70°F temps, but they grew less than 1 cm per day when the snow was on the ground. The past few days have been close to 70°F and we have bloom! We've learned a lot about how abiotic factors like temperature and precipitation impact living things like our Red Emperors. Thanks to Journey North, we have a great investigation that helps make our school look great too!"
- 2017, Mark Huebner

First bloom! First signs of spring First signs of spring
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Evaluation: Share Your Thoughts
Please take a few minutes to complete our Annual Evaluation. With your help, we can document Journey North's reach, impact and value. Thank you! Evaluation
Test Garden Maps and Journal

What's happening in your garden? Report to the map.

Journey North Climate Garden Map: North America
report | map | list
parts of flower
Europe map
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Watch for News Flash when gardens in the north emerge and bloom!