Teachers' Guide for February 2, 2007
The suggestions below will help you integrate Journey North's real-time program in the classroom. This guide accompanies the Mystery Class Update for February 2, 2007.
This Week

The following activities accompany this week's topic:

Making Sense of Data

1) Science Journals: Core Questions to Help Students Make Sense of Data
Each week, the sunrise/sunset data and graph reveal something unique about each Mystery Class, which distinguishes one from another.

After your students have calculated and graphed that data, ask them the questions below. You may want to first give students time to explore and write about the questions in their science journals before discussing their answers with one another or as a class.

  • What do you know about the Mystery Classes from the photoperiods so far?
  • What does the graph show you?
  • How are the ten sites different from each other? How are they Similar?
  • How does your hometown photoperiod compare?
  • Do you think you will know anything more next week after you receive more data to graph? Please explain.

More about Journaling Questions

2) Lesson: Math Skills
It's About Time! Everyone knows a yardstick measures length in units of inches or centimeters. And a scale measures weight in units such as grams or ounces. But how do you measure time? What tools would you use? What different units?


Reminder: Mark your Calendar