Spring Seems Slow To Arrive
Only a few observational reports have been submitted in the Western U.S. Are you seeing monarchs and milkweed? Please report to Journey North.
Eastern Monarch Population
Eastern Monarch Spring 2023 Report #2
Reports are slowly picking up. Tulsa, Oklahoma continues to be a hot spot. The leading edge of migration is around latitude 37°N with one observational report submitted in Springfield, Missouri. Along the east, monarchs are making their way northward through the Carolinas.
Videos From Estela Romero
New videos from Estela Romero have been added to the Journey North YouTube channel.
Western Monarch Population
Only a few sightings were reported in small numbers around San Francisco and also the southern California area. Milkweed emergence has been reported as far north as Washington state. Are you seeing monarchs, milkweed, monarch eggs, and monarch caterpillars?
Jerry in East Wenatchee, WA: "My milkweed from my Monarch habitat is up about 3 inches." (03/10/2023)
James in Oakland, CA: "Aclepias Speciosa sprouting from where there was one plant located last year." (03/27/2023)
Please Submit Your Observational Reports
April is Citizen Science Month. Help us to celebrate by reporting to Journey North. Don't forget to submit your photographs too!