Eastern Monarch Fall 2021 Report #7


Published: 10/27/2021

Note: Observations highlighted in this report are from October 15–21. To explore more recent observations, check out "The Leading Edge" section of the news update and explore our maps.

Peak Activity Along Eastern Flyway

From New Hampshire to Alabama, peak activity was widely reported along the Eastern Flyway. Journey North observers shared their delight in witnessing snippets of fall migration.

Karen in Gulf Highlands, AL: “[100 monarchs] migrating east to west. I am vacationing on the beach at the Fort Morgan peninsula of Alabama. The butterflies “parade” down it from east to west along the beach and also on the 2 lane highway. This area, compared to typical beach areas, has lots of natural areas, including the Bon Secour wildlife refuge.” (10/18/2021)

Colin in Ocean City, NJ: "Directional Flight South. Sunny day light breeze temps got into the mid 60s. From 9:45 to 10:00 AM EDT I counted 30 monarchs, during the next 15 minutes 21 monarchs flew by." (10/19/2021)

Joe in Ocean City, MD: "Assateague Island State Park. In a hour and a half on Assateague Island in a sand dunes with blooming Goldenrod everywhere with a WNW Wind blowing 12-16 mph I saw the most monarchs I’ve ever seen on one day estimated close to 100 monarchs. Best day ever." (10/19/2021)

Kathy in Hooksett, NH: "Noon. Still unseasonable warm in NH. 2 monarchs feeding on butterfly bush and tithonia. Both look healthy - not tagged. One male, one female." (10/21/2021)

Alicja in Madison, CT: "Saw 8 Monarch butterflies in 1 hour while walking on the beach flying along the beach shoreline and numerous stopping to rest on the sand. Sunny day. 73, minimal wind." (10/21/2021)

Erich in Aberdeen, NC: "Observed at least 12 adult monarchs migrating south from 0900hrs to 1600hrs at Camp Mackall and Fort Bragg, NC. Observed 5 at Camp Mackall and the other 7 across Ft. Bragg." (10/21/2021)

Moving Through Texas and Into Mexico

Along the Central Flyway, reports picked up in Mexico as the effects of Hurricane Pamela waned and allowed monarchs to make progress south.

Scott in Austin, TX: "Waterloo Park in downtown Austin had 100s of healthy Monarchs fueling up on the mist flower." (10/17/2021)

Efrain Ramirez in Saltillo, Coahuila de Zaragoza: "75 monarchs per minute at 15:00." (10/18/2021)

Brenda Sánchez in Monterrey, NLE: "Hundreds of monarchs resting on a quaking aspen. 18:00, 22°C, clear sky and mild wind." (10/17/2021)

Still in Canada

Peak activity was still reported as far north as southern Ontario. How much longer will monarchs be observed in more northerly locations? Check out our monarch migration maps to explore trends from previous years.

Darlene in Leamington, ON: "It was a glorious sun shiny blue sky morning with the super generation of monarchs at the Tip at Point Pelee National Park. More than 250 roosted at the Park overnight." (10/18/2021)