First Sightings of Next Generation Monarchs!

May 2, 2019 by Team Journey North

Next generation sightings! Female monarchs continue to lay eggs. Caterpillars are abundant.

"While on a hike at Enchanted Rock, Rob saw "a single caterpillar on a single Antelope Horns Milkweed along the Interpretive Loop Trail near the base of Little Rock dome." (Fredericksburg, TX; 04/26/2019)

Still Final Days for Monarchs Migrating North From Mexico

Journey North citizen scientists continue to report monarchs with worn and faded wings -- although the number of reports is waning. The leading northern edge of monarch migration is still holding steady across central Iowa, Illinois and Indiana and into northwestern Pennsylvania. 

From Blue Springs, MO: Amy saw "a worn and faded female monarch visiting lots of small milkweed shoots and leaving eggs behind." (4/27/2019)

New Beginnings 

First Generation of Monarchs Sighted

A few Journey North citizen scientists are reporting monarchs with fresh wings. Depending on the weather, we can expect a surge in sightings to occur over the next few weeks as new adult butterflies emerge and migrate northward. 

From Houston, TX: Jennifer saw, "Lots of mating pairs seen today in the garden. At least 3 different pairs. Today was the first day that I have seen more than 1 or 2 Monarchs in the waystation. Assuming these are the first generation...[and on the next day] More mating pairs seen today. I haven't seen this many mating pairs in a whole seasons as I have had this past week at the waystation." (04/27/2019 and 04/28/2019)

From Austin, TX: Monarch Watch sent this post: "Fresh Monarchs!!!! First of the year two beautiful fresh monarchs in Austin! Whoop! whoop! It's up to you folks further north now. Take care of our babies." (04/26/2019)

Caterpillars Hatching From Monarch Eggs

Monarchs are leaving a trail of eggs as they travel north. Females are in urgent pursuit of milkweed now. People reported monarch eggs on milkweed at all stages of growth, from newly-emerged plants to tender flower buds.

From Columbia, MD: Janine took a photo of "One to two eggs on several young shoots of common milkweed." (04/28/2019)

Journey North citizen scientists are observing larvae hatching -- as far north as Kansas City, KS but still many more reports from southern regions of the U.S. 

From Overland Park, KS: Karen commented, "A windy day and temperatures are dropping here over night to 38 degrees. Thought I would look and found these two caterpillars." (04/27/2019)

Western Monarchs

There is exciting news from Gail Morris. Read her Western Monarchs 2019 Spring Report#12.