Tulips Signify Spring

March 11, 2021 by Team Journey North

More Tulip Test Gardens are emerging, and a few Journey North gardeners are even reporting first blooms.

"We are really happy to have a flower blooming! It has been warm here in San Diego, California and our garden has many beautiful plants. It rained two days ago and we found our first bloomed tulip today." Photo by: Kimberly (La Jolla, CA; 03/05/2021)

Spring is Almost Here

The spring equinox is just over a week away, and tulips are a sure sign that spring is almost here. Journey North gardeners are reporting tulips emerging as far north as Kodiak, Alaska! Spring's arrival means variable weather across North America, yet no matter rain or shine, tulips bring a smile to all who see them.

Klaire in Dana Point, CA: "Beautiful tulips blooming and emerging." (02/25/2021)

Rana in Cleveland, OH: "The 2nd graders at Birchwood School of Hawken finally got a chance to check out their Tulip Test Garden. Last week it was still covered with a pile of snow. We checked as soon as it melted and were shocked by all the bulbs that emerged." (03/03/2021)

Katie in Lakeville, MN: "2 out of our 35 tulips have emerged. Last fall, second grade students at North Trail elementary observed the bulbs and learned about the life cycle of a tulip. We were very excited (and surprised) to see them emerging already!" (03/08/2021)

Peggy in Kodiak, AK: "We spotted our tulips popping up on Tuesday but didn't take a photo until today. The fresh snow required us to find them again. We wouldn't have known they were there with all the new snow." (03/09/2021)

Exploring Together

Looking for fun activities to do at home? Journey North has many informative educational resources and activities. This week we feature resources related to When, Where and How Plants Grow.

Report Your Observations

If you planted a Tulip Test Garden last fall, don't forget to report twice: when tulips EMERGE and when tulips BLOOM.

Signs of Spring

What makes you think of spring? Are you noticing other signs of spring besides tulips? Report your other signs of spring to Journey North. Use the reporting category ‘All Other Signs of Spring’. Let us know what you are observing!