Migration Winding Down

May 26, 2021 by Team Journey North

This is the final Weather and Songbird News Update for spring 2021. Thank you for following along and sharing your observations. This summer, Chuck Henrikson will continue to share his birding reports and observations from Journey North’s home base, the UW–Madison Arboretum. Stay tuned!

"Painted Buntings were hanging out around Clinton Lake (Lawrence, KS) last weekend." Photo by: Jennifer (05/15/2021)

Thank You!

The 2021 spring migration season is coming to an end. From early arrivals to “fallouts” along the Gulf Coast, it has been an eventful season!  We hope these migration updates have provided you a sense of joy and wonder. Thank you for following along and sharing your observations.

Weather Forecasts for Migrating Songbirds

In his final report of the season, Dr. David Aborn shares news of migration winding down. 

"All good things must come to an end, including spring migration. There has not been any movement in the southern US. And in the northern US, migration has definitely slowed. A dome of high pressure has been fixed off the east coast for most of the past week, pumping southern winds throughout the region. This has allowed migrating birds to complete the last legs of their journey."

Read more of Weather Forestcasts for Migrating Songbirds #11»

A special thank you to Dr. Aborn for sharing his weekly Weather Forecasts for Migrating Songbirds reports. Dr. Aborn has been contributing to Journey North for almost 25 years, informing and inspiring our community along the way.

Chuck Henrikson’s Birding Report 

At the UW–Madison Arboretum, Chuck Henrikson is observing new arrivals. Although finding birds is getting more difficult as trees are fully leafed out.

"Bird migration continues. Warblers continue to arrive but I have not seen many. Other birders are doing much better with warbler sightings. I seem to do better with other types of birds. Most trees are totally leafed out now so the canopy is quite dense. On my recent walks in the Arb woods the dense canopy of leaves made the woods quite dark even on sunny days. Of course it also made finding birds difficult too."

Read more of Chuck Henrikson's birding report #62»

This summer, Chuck Henrikson will continue to share his birding reports and observations from the UW–Madison Arboretum. Journey North will highlight Chuck’s findings on our website and social media channels. Stay tuned!

Journey North Species

As migration winds down, migratory birds shift their focus to the breeding season. Be on the lookout for nests, eggs, and territorial behavior.

Baltimore Oriole

Patrice in Wantagh, NY: "[Baltimore] Oriole protecting nest." (05/24/2021)

Bullock's Oriole

Terry in Smith River, CA: "Male and female [Bullock's Orioles] have returned. May have heard others." (05/06/2021)

Barn Swallow

Katy in Queens, NS: "They [Barn Swallows] have never nested in my barn, but always come and check it out, flying in and out of the open window." (05/20/2021)

Common Loon

Nanette in Ottertail, MN: "First [Common Loon] pair sighted." (05/03/2021)

Red-Winged Blackbird

Tina in Bridgewater, ME: "Male Red-winged Blackbird first sighted on my backyard feeder about 1 week ago. Also with a female." (05/13/2021)

Keep Reporting and Participate in Other Journey North Projects

Even though Weather & Songbird News Updates are ending for the season, you can still report observations of Baltimore and Bullock’s Orioles, Barn Swallows, Common Loons, and Red-winged Blackbirds until the end of July. You can also participate in other Journey North projects throughout the rest of spring and early summer. Report observations of monarchs, hummingbirds, and more.