Summer Fun Begins

June 8, 2021 by Team Journey North

This is the final Hummingbird News Update for spring 2021. Thank you for following along and sharing your observations. Please continue to report behavioral observations of hummingbirds to Journey North throughout the summer months.

"This is a photo of one of my Black-chinned Hummingbirds... I saw 3 males at once today plus one female." Photo by: Mary (Alamogordo, NM; 06/01/2021)

Another Great Spring Season

The 2021 spring migration season is coming to an end. Thus far, Journey North volunteers have submitted 6,305 observations of hummingbirds. We hope these migration updates have provided you a sense of joy and wonder. Please know that your reports contribute valuable data and help efforts to protect hummingbirds throughout North America. Thank you for following along and sharing your observations.

Nectaring and Other Observations

As spring migration winds down and first observations of hummingbirds dwindle, continue to report your observations under these reporting categories: 

Sandra in Roxboro, NC: "Hard to see him but look for his red; the hummingbirds are loving drinking nectar from my clematis as it is in bloom." (06/05/2021)

  • Hummingbird (OTHER Observations) — Observations included in this reporting category include defending territories, nest building, and raising young. Please submit photos when possible. In your comments, list behavior and hummingbird species observed. 

Patricia in Oxnard, CA: "Our resident hummer is an Allen's hummingbird. He's sitting on the wire flashing his green. His little mate wouldn't have anything to do with the incoming male. Must be true love. They played in the sprinklers together today." (06/05/2021)

April in Rigby, ID: "Nesting- 1 egg present." (06/08/2021)

Pollinator Week is Coming Up!

Pollinator Week is June 21–27. Join us to celebrate hummingbirds and other pollinators. Stay tuned for more information on how you can participate!