Migration Winding Down

May 31, 2022 by Team Journey North

Hummingbirds have reached breeding territories throughout North America. As summer approaches, report your observations of territorial behavior, courtship displays, nests, eggs, and nectaring activity.

"We had both a female and a male hummer at our feeder numerous times today. Might be the same ones as yesterday. Maybe they will be permanent residents. Waystation #13039." Photo: Linda in Chatham, ON (05/24/2022)

Spring Migration Winding Down

From Alberta to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have reached their northern limits. There were only a handful of first sightings submitted by Journey North volunteers this past week.

Denis in Saint-Constant, QC: "Very happy to see my first hummingbird." (05/28/2022)

Hummingbirds can stray off course during migration. One Journey North volunteer in Ontario noted their surprise at seeing a Rufous Hummingbird so far from its expected breeding range.

Suzanne in Burlington, ON: "And we have a Rufous! I have NEVER seen one here before - just gorgeous!! I'd love to know if any others have seen one here in Southern Ontario before? Is it common?" (05/21/2022)

Summer Fuel for Hummingbirds

With spring migration winding down it is time to tend pollinator gardens and keep hummingbird feeders full, fresh, and clean. Please remember our message of NO RED DYE. The last thing we want to do is to harm hummingbirds. Do not use red-dye solution or add red food coloring in your hummingbird feeders. 

Report Other Observations

If you notice territorial behavior, courtship displays, or hummingbird nests and eggs, please report your observations under Hummingbird, Other Observations. And if you see hummingbirds feeding on flowers, please report these observations under Hummingbird, Nectaring from Flowers. If you know plant names, submit this information in the comment section. 

Marjorie in Lowell, MI: "Male ruby-throated hummingbird sipping on salvia, blue suede shoes. The flower color comes through a little muted because it was a cloudy day." (05/19/2022)

James in Blaney Park, MI: "The image is from 20th May 2022, showing a challenger come in and give a tail flip from above before being chased by the male on the feeder now dominating it. The dominant male also shown later that day with his gorget most often appearing dark copper colored with brilliant shimmering gold." (05/20/2022)