Fall Migration Ending. Focus On Sanctuaries.

December 2, 2022 by Team Journey North

Estela Romero provides a description of monarch activity in Mexico. If you live in the Southeastern U.S., please participate in our targeted winter monarch monitoring project.

Monarch finds nectar on a Lantana flower. Photo: Della in Peroria, AZ (11/30/2022)

Eastern Monarch Population

Some Activity Still In Texas and Along the Gulf of Mexico

Fall migration almost complete. Observers are seeing monarchs mainly in Texas and along the Gulf of Mexico. 

Sondra in Horseshoe Bay, TX: "Late migration-Female Monarch nectaring on trailing lantana among several other species of butterflies on a sunny and warm day after 2 weeks of rain and cold." (11/29/2022) 

Sally in Johns Island, SC: "Feeding on last of the available flowers. Also some cut-back tropical milkweed is starting to flower again." (12/01/2022) 

Virginia in Gretna, LA: "2:12 pm male with many wing tears nectaring on yellow lantana among Mexican flame vine." (12/01/2022) 

Monitor Overwintering Monarchs in Southeastern U.S.

Journey North encourages volunteers to report winter monarch sightings in the Southeastern U.S. from December through March. If you live in the Gulf states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida as well as Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, we want to hear from you.

Learn more about how to participate»

Letter From Estela Romero: 

At El Rosario and Sierra Chincua sanctuaries, Estela Romero shares 

Read more of Estela Romero’s Letter: Monarch Colonies Consolidating»

Leer más de la carta de Estela Romero: Consolidación de Colonias Monarca»

Western Monarch Population

Journey North volunteers continue to observe nectaring activity in the southwest.

Della in Peoria, AZ: "2 Male Monarchs seen outside City Hall in Peoria. Landing on Lantana and resting in the desert willow tree. They seemed sluggish. Observed at 3pm, sunny, no breeze, 70F. There is desert Milkweed near by." (11/30/2022)