Monarchs...and Moths!

January 19, 2023 by Team Journey North

Over 800 Ambassadors have been delivered!

Black Witch Moth (Ascalapha odorata) (photo courtesy: Wikimedia Commons)

Greetings everyone,

Over 800 Ambassadors have been delivered! Ms. Estela Romero will continue to deliver Ambassador butterflies through February 2023.

Wish to find out where YOUR Ambassador has landed? Go to Ms. Estela Romero's  blog home page. On the blog home page, you will find a search function. Enter your town, school or group name. Another screen will pop up with school visit information. (See slideshow resource below.) 

Winter School Break

Schools across Mexico were closed for winter break. But there was little downtime for Ms. Romero. During the winter break, Ms. Romero translated current blog posts into Spanish. Ms. Romero and the Symbolic Migration team hope that these blog posts will be useful educational tools for students learning Spanish, especially for students in upper-grade levels.

Moths and Monarchs

Ms. Romero also visited the Sanctuaries of El Rosario and Sierra Chincua, spending time observing monarchs and delivering Ambassador Butterflies to both sanctuaries. Ms. Romero shares her field observations and visits with students and families working at the sanctuaries in this season’s Symbolic Migration blog posts.

Classes Resume

Now that spring classes have resumed, Ms. Romero will introduce the wonders of moths and monarch migration.

Which moth species might be seen in Mexico? Inquiring students will explore answers to this and other questions as Ms. Romero continues her environmental education program. Three moths that inhabit the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve are Black Witch Moth (Ascalapha odorata), Forbes’ Silkmoth (Rothschildia forbesi), and the Princely Tiger Moth (Chrysocale principalis) 

We have shared Ms. Romero’s environmental lesson on moths [English & Spanish versions] with you to pique your interest. Perhaps you are seeing moths in your region. If not, spring is just around the corner. When you have an opportunity, try mothing, that is attracting and observing moths!

Find out more in the book “You’re invited to a MOTH BALL: A Nighttime Insect Celebration” by Loree Griffin Burns.

Happy mothing!

Susan Meyers
Monarchs Across Georgia Committee

Environmental Education Alliance

[edited from the original by N Sheehan, 01/19/2023]

The Symbolic Migration project is a partnership project between Journey North, a program of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum, and Monarchs Across Georgia, a committee of The Environmental Education Alliance of Georgia, a 501(c) (3) organization. Journey North manages the interactive Symbolic Migration Participant Maps and hosts all educational materials on the Journey North website. Monarchs Across Georgia administers the program and is responsible for all fundraising.