A Visit To Mexico

March 1, 2023 by Nancy Sheehan

All Ambassador Monarch Butterflies have been delivered to participating schools in Mexico just as the real monarchs begin their journey north.

Mural Art. Photo: Estela Romero in Angangueo, Michoacán, México (03/02/2023)

Dear Friends of the Symbolic Migration Project,

All Ambassador Monarch Butterflies have landed in the hands of students at Mexican schools as the real monarchs complete their winter stay in the sanctuaries. To find out where YOUR Ambassador has landed, use the SEARCH function at the top of Estela Romero’s blog home page to enter your town or school/ group name.

Last week, I was fortunate to visit Mexico and meet with Ms. Romero in person after a long pandemic hiatus. Ms. Romero handed me a package filled with letters written by students she had visited as part of the Symbolic Migration Project. Ms. Romero and I also visited the monarch sanctuaries, a school in the El Rosario ejido, and shopped for books.

Since my return to the U.S., I have started to assemble Spring Return Envelopes. I could not complete this work without the countless hours contributed by volunteers. Thanks to our collective effort, the first Spring Return Envelopes will be mailed next week. For those of you waiting anxiously to receive your envelopes, we ask for your patience. It takes our volunteers time to address, stuff, and mail all these materials. We hope to complete the process by the end of March. Watch your Inbox for updates and your mailbox for the envelope!

I hope you enjoy these photos. These photos provide but a small glimpse of all the wonderful activities undertaken by the young and old alike to protect monarch butterflies at the overwintering sanctuaries. 



Susan Meyers
Monarchs Across Georgia Committee

Environmental Education Alliance

The Symbolic Migration project is a partnership project between Journey North, a program of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum, and Monarchs Across Georgia, a committee of The Environmental Education Alliance of Georgia, a 501(c) (3) organization. Journey North manages the interactive Symbolic Migration Participant Maps and hosts all educational materials on the Journey North website. Monarchs Across Georgia administers the program and is responsible for all fundraising.

Mural with monarchs and mountain sanctuary

Mural Art

Angangueo, Michoacán, México