Cheers to Another Season

May 25, 2023 by Team Journey North

This is our final Tulip Test Garden news update for spring 2023. Thank you to all the gardeners, including many teachers and students, who shared reports of emerging and blooming tulips. Your enthusiasm for the return of spring and beautiful photos of tulips have spread joy throughout our Journey North community.

Photo: JaNan in Rexburg, ID

Thank You!

Last fall almost 120 Tulip Test Gardens were planted across North America. Most Journey North gardeners reported emergence, and over 100 (and counting) reported blooms. Thank you to everyone who participated and followed along!

Tulips Emerging and Blooming

Although summer is on the horizon, tulips still are emerging and blooming in the northern parts of the United States and into Canada.

Sharon in Edmonton, AB: "It is unusually hot and dry in Edmonton. Today it is headed to 30 celsius and for the past 4 days we have been breaking temperature records that are 40 years old. The first 4 of our tulips are blooming. They are not very high and some have been chewed on by rabbits, but we are in bloom. We are 9 days earlier than last year." (05/03/2023)

Sandy in Britton, SD: "All of our tulips opened up a couple days ago. Always the first flower and always happy to see them!" (05/05/2023)

Linda in Madawaska, ME: "It finally warmed up a bit today and sure enough one tulip opened!" (05/19/2023)

Keep Reporting and Stay Tuned!

Even though Tulip Test Garden News Updates are ending for the season, you still can report emerging and blooming tulips. Watch our Tulips Bloomed map for the last of the gardens to report their observations.

And get ready for next season by printing your Tulip Test Garden signs this summer! Thanks to contributions from the Friends of the Arboretum, Journey North now has a garden sign for you to print and use in your Tulip Test Garden. We hope these signs help promote the study of seasonal change at your schools and in your communities. 

You can also participate in other Journey North projects throughout the rest of spring and early summer. Report your observations of hummingbirds, monarchs, songbirds such as orioles, and many more species and projects.

Until next fall! Have a great summer.