Eastern Monarch Fall 2023 Report #3

published: 10/03/2023

Roost Activity

Illinois, Kansas, and Oklahoma were hotspots for fall roost reporting this week, with the leading edge around latitudes 34-35°N in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and northern Texas. Check out the Monarch Fall Roost map to see more observational reports submitted by Journey North volunteers.

Stasy in Wann, OK: "There were too many to count. Maybe upwards of 500. They were roosting on a long grouping of silver maples that grow from a run-off creek bed. There are Mimosa trees, several milkweed species, tropical milkweed plant flowers, garden with honeydew, native flowers, and landscaped flowers are nearby. There is a large pond to the south of the trees. They are somewhat protected from the wind in this area and did not favor either side of the group of trees." (09/28/2023)

Louis in Mason City, IL reported each day's fall roost observations, including: "Sunrise count. Following day of heavy nectaring in planted prairie adjacent to windbreak evergreen and deciduous trees. Visited a 40 acre private preserve just west of Mason City yesterday and observed hundreds of Monarchs nectaring on tall goldenrod and thistle. . ." (09/26/2023)

Cynthia in Oklahoma City, OK: "Significant number of monarchs roosting. Have been here a couple of days." (09/30/2023)

Peak Migration Events

Peak migration events were largely concentrated in the lower Midwest and the Great Plains. Several reports also came from North Carolina. See more reports on the peak migration map and compare to previous years' reports.

Milly in Lockwood, MO: "Sitting on the beach here at Ruark Beach in Stockton, MO we have seen hundreds of monarchs coming from the NE." (10/01/2023)

Emily in Black Mountain, NC: "Currently 72 degrees, sunny, light breeze. The monarchs have stuck around in numbers ranging from 100 to 300+ over the past week in the 10 acre Monarch Waystation at Veterans Park in Black Mountain. (They were first observed here on 09/24/2023). They have been feeding mostly on clover in the field, but also on frost aster, purple stem aster and showy goldenrod in the planted and naturalized wildflower areas in and around the field. . ." (10/02/2023)

Mark in Toronto, ON still notes activity: "7 adults moving generally S/W following along the North Shore of Lake Ontario." (10/01/2023)

Please Report to Journey North

If you are seeing peak movement of monarchs, roosts, or presence of monarchs at any life stage, please let us know. Your reports are crucial to our understanding of monarch migration.

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