All In for the Challenge

November 10, 2017 by Mary Hosier

"It was hard digging to 7" because at 5" it was mostly clay," wrote students from Michigan. After exploring their tulip bulbs, citizen scientists across the Northern Hemisphere persevered in planting their gardens.

Taking the challenge to plant 7" deep, students from Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan planted on October 27th.

The Learning Garden
From Kodiak, Alaska to Muraste, Estonia there are 6,882 tulip bulbs nestled in the ground so far, planted by students in 132 gardens. For many this is their first time to plant and watch something grow. Take time to ask how your garden compares to others.

"We have been comparing our planting site to others that have posted. They are all so different." Salem, New Hampshire,  11/01/17

"We know the deer will be interested in our tulips for a yummy lunch, so we will be engineering a protective covering before they emerge." Kodiak, Alaska 11/09/17

"We planted 15 experimental bulbs that 'break the planting rules.' Everyone is excited to see the results." Murfreesboro, Tennessee 11/09/17

"We hope that the nearby prairie dogs don't eat our bulbs." Parker, Colorado 10/19/17

Each Garden Different
Explore your garden's latitude, elevation, and location on the globe. Explore temperatures and compare them to other garden sites. Use all this information to help you predict when tulips will emerge across the Northern Hemisphere..