Winter Happenings: Living in Flocks

January 5, 2021 by Team Journey North

In January, American Robins wander in flocks, searching for food and water.

A "Winterized" Bird Bath. Photo by: Angie (Thunder Bay, ON; 02/25/2020)

It's January

In winter, American Robins are found from north to south. Some are basking in south Texas and Florida while others are enduring the northern winter. Many are somewhere in between. As long as they can find fruits or berries, some may stay close to their summer areas even in fall and winter. Because they move in search of food, American Robins are not as faithful to their wintering grounds as most other songbirds. In the winter, American Robins wander in flocks and help one another find food and avoid predators.

Russel, ON: Brenda spotted an American Robin on a snowy winter morning in Ontario. (01/05/2021)

Derry, NH: Maria reported seeing "A Flock of 40 or more Robins on Birchwood Drive flew in. They are eating remaining apples on our apple tree." (01/01/2021)

New York, NY: Chris commented that "I live in lower Manhattan and in the same apartment for the past decade. Today for the first time there’s a group of 10 Robbins flying around resting on building ledges and window ledges - they’ve never ever been here before." (01/01/2021)

Cary, NC: John "saw at least 30 robins in our backyard, front yard, and neighbors' yards at around 9:00am. They were eating berries from our holly trees and holly bushes and flying from the trees to the ground. They were making quite a racket." (01/03/2021)

Keep Reporting Your Observations and Submitting Photos

In Spring 2020, several Journey North citizen scientist heard their first territorial songs of the American Robin on February 1st. Be ready to hear this iconic song of spring.

From last year...

Nebraska City, NE: Tina "heard one off in the distance." (02/01/2020)

Oakland, NE: Julie reported hearing the territorial song of the male American Robin which she described as "Singing like spring." (02/01/2020)