Over 1,300 Passenger Tickets Purchased

November 6, 2023 by Team Journey North

Ms. Estela Romero has picked up the first shipment of Ambassador monarch butterflies. Even these paper monarchs need to travel long distances.

Estela Romero picks up her first shipment of Ambassador monarch butterflies.


Welcome to the new participants, and welcome back to those who have participated in the Symbolic Monarch Migration project in the past. The October 20 postmark deadline has passed. We are excited to announce that over 1,300 Passenger Tickets were purchased. This means that over 1,300 students in Mexico will be receiving an Ambassador butterfly from one of you!

Envelopes of Ambassadors are still being delivered to Lilburn, GA by USPS as of today (November 1). We will continue to process them and make shipments to Mexico this month.

Ms. Romero has received the first shipment. She will begin her school visits during the week of November 6. She will be delivering your gift Ambassadors along with an environmental lesson to students in Macheros, Mexico.

Follow along with her by reading her blog posts. Ms. Romero's posts are in English and Spanish and will be available later in the week. 

Read Estela Romera's blog posts>>

If you have not yet posted your participation on Journey North, follow the instructions on this web page. Of course, if you see real monarchs, please report your sightings.


Susan Meyers

Monarchs Across Georgia administers the Symbolic Migration project including coordinating the exchange of symbolic butterflies among 2000+ classrooms in three countries, engaging a contract worker to provide lessons and deliver materials in Mexico, and raising funds for the project's continuation. Monarchs Across Georgia is a committee of the nonprofit organization, the Environmental Education Alliance. Journey North manages the interactive Symbolic Monarch Migration Participant Maps and hosts educational materials on its website. 

Consider donating to the Symbolic Monarch Migration project and/or the Mexico Book Project.  

Envelopes carrying Ambassador monarch butterflies

Off They Go

Envelopes carrying Ambassador monarch butterflies