Contributed by Ornithologist Laura Erickson


  • range
  • habitat
  • dangers/predators
  • population
  • conservation

Q. What is the range of the American robin?

A. The American robin is found over most of North America.

Q. What is the robin's habitat?

A. Robins can be found in a wide range of habitats. You can find them in marshes, fields, forest borders, orchards, hedges, cut-over woods, gardens, urban, suburban, rural yards, and parks.

Contributed by Ornithologist Laura Erickson


  • flight speed
  • flight distance
  • why migrate
  • migratory behaviors

Q. How fast do robins fly during migration?

A. Robins fly about 30 - 36 m.p.h. during migration.

Q. How far do robins usually fly each day when they migrate north?

A. Robins can fly for many hours each day, so on days with good migrating conditions, they probably cover roughly 100-200 miles per day.

Contributed by Ornithologist Laura Erickson


  • color
  • incubation
  • hatching
  • care of
  • potential dangers/predators
  • abandoned eggs

Q. What color are robin eggs?

A. Blue. People have actually named a color "robin's egg blue" for the precise shade.

Contributed by Ornithologist Laura Erickson


  • nest size, weight, materials
  • nest site selection
  • nest-building process
  • roles of males and females
  • unusual nesting behavior

Q. How big is a robin's nest?

A. A robin's nest is about 8-20 centimeters (3-8 inches) in diameter.

Q. How much does a robin's nest weigh?

A. About 200 grams (7 ounces).

Q. How long does it take to build a nest?

A. It usually takes 2-6 days for a robin to build a nest.

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