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Monarch Butterfly Migration
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A Spectacular Massive Arrival Today!

A very special hello, friends!

Over the weekend, things were calm. Families in town were organizing to welcome our great fest of Day of the Dead. I kept an eye up to the blue sky every other minute, just in case the first Monarchs would appear as signal of the souls of beloved dead ones. I drove around Angangueo during the day, not getting any sign from anyone about the Monarch’s arrival.

Massive Arrival

October 30, 2017 by Elizabeth Howard

"A harmonious parade of monarchs were streaming across the sky. I have not seen such a massive arrival in years," wrote Estela Romero on October 30th.

"A harmonious parade of monarchs were streaming across the sky. I have not seen such a massive arrival in years," wrote Estela Romero on October 30th.
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