Very Exciting Migration News

April 19, 2019 by Team Journey North

Over 300 hummingbird reports submitted in just one weekend!

"Feeder was hung out a week ago. Today we spotted both a male and female Ruby-throated hummingbirds visiting it." Photo by: Kimberly (New Johnsonville, TN; 04/15/2019)

Leading Edge

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have now been sighted in northern Iowa; near Buffalo, New York; and along the Detroit River (at the boundary between Michigan in the U.S., and Ontario in Canada).  

The northern edge for Rufous Hummingbirds is still holding steady on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. 

Eastern Species — Ruby-throated Hummingbirds Reaching Northern U.S.  

From East Bethany, NY: Cathy had been watching for the advance of Ruby-throated hummingbirds into New York...when finally her daughter spotted the first of the season "...near the back yard feeder we set out this morning, after seeing they had made it as far as PA two days ago we put two of our five feeders out. My daughter saw it fly by the back kitchen window, but not on the feeder....Very windy and warm here today...Keeping my eyes peeled and camera on hand tomorrow!" (04/12/2019)

From Atco, NJ: Cindy exclaimed, "South jersey finally has one. I thought I had seen one earlier in the pine trees. We were sitting out back and my husband saw the hummingbird at the feeder. Feeders have been up for 1 week. Not sure if a male or female, at least there was a sighting. My gems are back." (04/14/2019)

From Mc Lean, VATrisha commented, "First hummingbird of the season; interestingly a female rather than male. She was about a week earlier than usual (for the 20+ years we've been recording our observations). She 'buzzed' me at 7:00 a.m. where she knew 'her' feeder was located in past years, so 10 minutes later I had it ready for her, and she began sipping. The next morning, she was now joined by a male. We now have our 7 feeders out, ready and waiting - all of which were full of Ruby-throated hummingbird families by the end of last season!" (04/14/2019)

From Advent, WV: Russ commented, "Saw first one 16th April. I have been feeding them for more than 25 years here on my farm. By time they start to fly south I can have up to 24 individuals visiting the feeder." (04/16/2019)

Western Species -- More Rufous Hummingbirds Sightings Recorded.

From Tacoma, WA: Jack commented, "Saw two Rufous (male & female) for the first time yesterday! The males usually only stay a few hours or a day at most and then head up to Alaska and Canada to claim their turf before the females get there. There was a female too. So I grabbed my camera and sat outside and waited... It took me a couple hours and a lot of missed shots before I got this one. (04/15/2019)

From Ivins, UT:  Carla described, "This little Rufous hummingbird first appeared on March 22 and stayed for a week or so. Then he reappeared two days ago. Since we don't have Rufous hummers in the summer, we had assumed he went north. Not sure what he's up to!" (04/13/2019)

Keep Reporting and Submitting Photos! 

Have you seen nectaring activity? Nesting yet?  Keep reporting and submitting your photos. 

Keep Checking the Weather in Your Area