Migration Update: May 2, 2012
Please Report
Your Sightings!
Report Your Sightings
This week hummingbird sightings seemed to appear in waves. The migration is in full swing! Find out what some people have called, "the tiniest hummingbird ever seen." Sharpen your skills at comparing and contrasting. We welcome your feedback on the Annual Evaluation.

Today's Report Includes:

Image of the Week
spinx moth
Credit: Wikipedia
Is it...?
News: Migration Continues
A Wave of Rufous Reports on April 24
Sometimes citizen scientist reports come in waves. That was the case last week when we could almost watch the rufous sighting dots appear moving north and east on the map.

Rufous Right On Time
Hummers have arrived in British Columbia's interior. Barry Williams set out his feeders and on the same day as last year (April 24) 4 rufous hummers arrived looking for food after their long trip north.

Calliopes Joined By Rufous
At the Washington-British Columbia border, in Kettle Falls, the first 3 rufous were sighted. They join the calliopes that are "fast accumulating." Now they wait for the blackchins!

Idaho Sightings
In Potlatch, Idaho, the calliopes were joined by their first rufous. First rufous at feeder reported in McCall.

Hummer Tussles
"I have two male Calliope hummers fighting over one feeder, even though I have six filled and out for them," revealed a report from Spokane, Washington.

End of the Trail?
Is this the end of the migration trail for the rufous hummingbird? A rufous was spotted April 27 in Valdez, Alaska. Study the hummingbird distribution map to find whether they have reached their northern border.

Doing the "Hummie Dance"
From Shirley, New York comes a sighting on the last day of April, "Saw our first young male tonight. We are very excited; doing the Hummie Dance though the house. Welcome back tiny flyers!"

Other Hummer Species Moving North
Numerous sighting reports for broadtail and calliope hummers in Colorado, Montana, Utah, and Washington.

2 hummers
Photo: Henry Caron
Two rufous, Midway, BC
ruby in TX
Photo: Robert Breeze
Texas rubythroat
hummer map
Distribution Map
Explore: A Mystery Creature
Occasionally an observer will report 'the tiniest hummingbird we've ever seen.' Could this creature possibly be the one mistaken for a hummingbird? Let's take a close look, then organize our observations and thoughts into a Venn diagram.

Mystery animal
Latest Maps
Rubythroat sightings continue in the far north, but as you can see from the map, the main advancing edge of the migration is clearly south of there. Right on cue, rufous hummers are arriving at feeders and flowers across their more northern and western range. As spring advances keep your eyes open for the hummers and all the tropical migrants!


Journal Page
ruby map ruby map ruby map
(map | animation | sightings)
(map | animation | sightings)
(map | animation | sightings)
Annual Evaluation: Please Share Your Thoughts
Please take a few minutes to complete our Annual Evaluation. We welcome your feedback!

Journey North Annual Evaluation
The next Hummingbird migration update will be posted on May 9, 2012.