¡Bienvenidas a México!
October 27, 2016 by Elizabeth Howard

Monarchs are streaming across northern Mexico now — and the very first butterflies have reached the winter sanctuaries!

Monarch Butterfly Migration
"Welcome monarchs, to Nuevo León, México!" wrote Omar Franco Reyes
from Ciudad Santa Catarina on October 23, 2016.

Crossing into Mexico
The migration swept into northern Mexico in a flurry last Thursday, October 20, and Jerónimo Chávez of Correo Real announced the butterflies' arrival:

"Here they come! At last the first reports from the north of Coahuila. They entered Mexico with the help of the cold front. Welcome monarchs!"

"!Ya están entrando! Por fin el primer reporte del norte de Coahuila. Las mariposas Monarca entraron a México con la ayuda del frente frío. ¡Bienvenidas las Monarcas!"

First to the Finish Line
Also this week came the news we've all been waiting for — the very first butterflies were spotted at the Sierra Chincua Sanctuary on October 23rd. Dr. David Mota-Sanchez of Michigan State made the announcement.

"Today at 1:00 pm my friend and colleague Javier Castaneda saw four butterflies at the Villalobos lookout. They were headed toward the trees in the sanctuary. In addition, at 3:00 pm he observed five monarchs more on the lookout Zacatonal flying high above the fir trees, and flying also very isolated from each other. It's a very clear sign the first are already arriving!"

"El dia de hoy a las 1:00 pm mi amigo y colega Javier Castaneda vio cuatro mariposas en el mirador de Villalobos. Las mariposas se dirigian del llano hacia los arboles rumbo al santuario. Adicionalmente, a las 3:00 pm el observo 5 monarcas mas en el mirador Zacatonal volando muy por encima de los oyameles, y volando tambien muy aisladas unas de otras. Muy buena senal que ya estan llegando las primeras!"


Monarch Butterfly Migration
They're Here!
Brenda Sanchez
Monarch Butterfly Migration
Eglantina Canales
Wind, Weather and Monarch Butterfly Migration
Carlos Carrera
Letter from Estela
As everyone waits for the monarchs' mass arrival, Estela and friends are monitoring daily. She went across town and asked everyone she encountered whether large numbers of monarchs had arrived.

”No, not yet, Estela…”

Children monitoring in Mexico waiting for monarch arrival.

Report Your Sightings
What to Report to Track Fall Migration Monarch Butterfly: Adult Sighted Monarch Butterfly: Egg or Larva Sighted
What to Report Adult Butterflies
map | list | animation
Eggs and Larvae
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Monarch Butterfly Migration Map: Fall Roosts, Fall 2016 Monarch Butterfly Migration Map: Peak Migration Fall 2016 Monarch Butterfly Migration Data
Fall Roosts
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Peak Migration
map | list | animation
Next Update November 3, 2016