Symbolic Migration Update: February 22, 2010

This month's disaster in Mexico's monarch butterfly region has caused pain and hardship for thousands. Find out how students can support the community and make their concerns known.

Today's Report Includes:

¡Somos amigos unidos en amistad por la mariposa monarca!
(We are friends united by the monarch butterfly.)
Click to enlarge

A Message to Teachers and Students

Dear Teachers and Students,
As you are probably aware, a disaster struck the monarch region in Mexico early this month. Due to a massive flood in the Angangueo region, over 30 lives were lost and 80% of the homes were destroyed. People lost their homes, cars, businesses and life possessions. The family of Estela Romero, who coordinates Journey North's Symbolic Migration from Angangueo, was similarly affected.

We have now heard that the Symbolic Monarch butterflies we sent to Mexico—symbols of friendship and a shared resource—were also destroyed in the flood waters. However, while the symbolic butterflies may be gone, students can take steps so that the community we've built lives on.

Journey North

News from Estela Romero

"The whole family is in Angangueo now and it has been such a heavy, 16-hour working day-by-day-week only stopping to eat and drink at the house we were lent at the entrance of the town. The army continues supporting the town.

"Some schools are starting up next week, but Colegio Corregidora, where my daughter attends will be closed for months because of the damage."

Street view of school, Colegio Corregidora, a longtime Journey North school in Angangueo. Credit Hechos TV
How You Can Help

President Calderón will be inspired to know that thousands of children care about the people who live in the monarch region, and are personally connected by the monarch butterfly. This may help him see the importance of rebuilding.

  • Why write to the President? (Talking Points)


Write letters directly to President Calderón

You can write letters to the President in Mexico City by snail mail or electronic mail.
Inform the President:

  • "¡Somos amigos unidos en amistad por la mariposa monarca!" (We are friends united by the monarch butterfly.)
  • We are part of an international community, and we have grown to be a close family.
  • "Nos importa y estamos afligidos," (We care and are concerned) for the children and families in Anganguo and the surrounding communities.
  • Thank you for visiting to Angangueo after the flood and for your committment to help


  • Photos of children holding your symbolic butterflies. (Slide your photos off the Gallery, print and include them.)
  • Messages in English or Spanish (samples above)
  • Artwork
  • Your return address

About postage from US and Canada to Mexico

  • Decorate your letters and envelopes
  • Include photos, artwork, and Spanish phrases

President Calderón
on his Web site
Raise Money for Relief Support
Journey North is coordinating a drive to send financial support to local, community-based, non-profit organizations who work in the monarch region. If you would like to support the work of these organizations, please send a check to:

Journey North
P.O. Box 263
Norwich, Vermont 05055

Your contributions will be forwarded to organizations who are experienced in sustainable development projects and can work strategically and efficiently in the local communities.

Please support our friends in the monarch butterfly region.
"Por favor, apoye a nuestros amigos en la region de la mariposa monarca."