Jim Gilbert

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Spring's Progress
as of May 22, 1998
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Journey North News
- FINAL Tulip Garden Update: May 22, 1998
Before we bid farewell to Spring, 1998, news arrived in time from the official Journey North garden
in Anchorage, Alaska. But something big is causing problems at the Kenai School District garden in Sterling, Alaska.....Spring's
journey north is now complete: Did you predict its path?
- Tulip Garden Update: May 8, 1998
Hooray! The tulips finally emerged in Ramsey, MN--the 1 garden we were still waiting for. You may
think spring has awakened tulips everywhere by now, but when do you suppose tulips in Utsjoki, Finland (69.90 N,
26.90 W) will FINALLY bloom?". Answers from the Tulip expert.
Tulip Garden Update: April 27, 1998
Spring has traveled so far that only 10 gardens report tulips emerging this week--and 69 new gardens
are in bloom! The Gulf Stream explains the curious results reported last week: A garden blooming at 60 N when those
at 45 N were only emerging. Do you think the Gulf Stream also affected gardens in North America?
- Tulip Garden Update: April 10, 1998
Tulips bloomed in Scotland this week--and are now breaking the soil in Alaska! As promised, here's
a growth chart from our the 11 "official" Journey North gardens. Does spring move at the pace--and in
the direction--you predicted it would last fall?
- Tulip Garden Update: March 27, 1998
Today's map of blooming tulips looks like a wide, rosy smile across the continent. We're happy to
say that spring has finally arrived most everywhere. As you look at today's data, you'll see clues that can help
you predict when tulips will bloom in places further to the north.
- Tulip Garden Update: March 13, 1998
Spring continues its march: Tulips appeared in another 70 gardens over the past 2 weeks, for a grand
total of 162. But did your garden survive the freezing temperatures that swept down from the arctic this week?
What lessons can your garden variety tulips learn from the wild wisdom of native plants?
- Tulip Garden Update: February 27, 1998
Since our February 13th report, tulips have emerged in another 62 gardens, for a grand total of
92. And the flowers are keeping pace, with 5 gardens now in bloom. Do you think this is truly an unusually spring?
Try this activity and see if you're right.
- Tulip Garden Update: February 13, 1998
The first tulips of Spring, 1998 are in bloom! Lockhart Middle School in Orlando, Florida was the
first to report this welcome sign of spring. According to gardeners in 17 other states, the growing season of 1998
is now underway.
- Tulip Garden Update: January 16, 1998
Because it's the middle of January, we were surprised by the news that arrived last week: Tulips
in two gardens have already emerged--and those in a third garden are close behind! Where do you suppose these gardens
- Tulip Garden Update: December 12, 1997
The darkest days of the year are upon us, and the coldest days of winter are still ahead, but 199
gardens are now safely tucked into the ground, and students across the north are already waiting for spring. Chose
your partner and exchange phenology data.
- Tulip Garden Update: November 14, 1997
Many gardeners were greeted with cooler temperatures and even snow when it came time to plant their
tulip gardens!
- Tulip Garden Update: October 22, 1997
The first 34 gardens have now been planted. This Fall's tulip data provides a good opportunity for
students to practice mapping skills they will need throughout the Journey North program.
- Tulip Garden Update: September 19, 1997
Order your bulbs ASAP, a shortage is expected this fall.
- Sample Last Year's Tulip Study
Visit the Spring, 1997 Archives
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