Test Garden News:
March 13, 2015
By Mary Hosier

Daylength is increasing. The sun's rays are heating up the soil. Many gardeners are waiting and watching while others are celebrating beautiful blooms!

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observing the garden
Watching and Waiting   Michelle Markham
Highlights: Emerging and Blooming
It's happening! Gardeners celebrated Test Gardens blooming this week in Utah, Alabama, and South Carolina. A welcome change in weather also brought warmer temperatures to the South and parts of the East Coast. Emerging tulips were revealed as snow melted in many Test Gardens.

"Beautiful red tulips!" 03/10/15 Orem, Utah

"The tulips are approximately 1" to 3" above the soil. The snow just melted over the weekend and now we can see them!"  03/09/15 Durham, North Carolina

"Bunny tracks found in the tulip garden. Some tulips were chewed off. Very cold temperatures, with snow and ice. The remaining tulip bulbs are 2.5 to 4.0 cm tall."
03/06/15 Millstadt, Illinois

"If the tulips have emerged, it will probably be a long time before we see them." 03/05/15 Ithaca, New York

"The air temperature was 55 degrees and the ground is 31 degrees. All of the snow has melted on top of our garden, but there are no tulips yet." 03/10/15 Apple Valley, Minnesota

Do you wonder what is happening underground? Does soil temperature affect tulips? You can explore these questions and more of your own.

blooming tulip
Sherri Garbowski
emerging in Germany
Ute Schnabel
snow in Ithaca
Still Waiting
Pat Gaines
Spotlight: Kaiserslatern, Germany
This Eurasian garden is almost 3,000 miles north of the equator. How does this garden profile compare to your own?

Profile Russia
Ask the Expert: Opens Friday
What questions do these tulip images spark? Capture your questions and submit them to our Tulip Garden Expert, Dr. Mary Meyer. tulip gallery
Maps and Profiles
Journey North Climate Garden Map: North America How do Earth's different climate conditions affect when and where plants grow?
Journey North Climate Garden Map: North America
North America
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Monarch butterfly migration map Journey North Climate Garden Map: North America Monarch butterfly migration map
Garden Profile Profile Map Sample Profiles

Next Update March 20, 2015