Ruby-throated in Chicago; Rufous in Juneau

April 12, 2019 by Team Journey North

Leading edge of hummingbird migration is slowly advancing northward.

"Saw our first two hummingbirds today! both a female and a male." Photo by: Candice (Piedmont, SC; 04/04/2019)

Leading Edge

This week, for Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, we find the leading edge of the migration reaching Illinois.

Sightings for Rufous Hummingbirds have slowed -- but there were two sightings in Alaska.

More sightings for other hummingbirds continue to roll in. We have even seen some nectaring activity. 

Eastern Hummingbird Species -- Ruby-throated Hummingbirds in Illinois.

From Batavia, IL: Sande noted, "Beautiful day - sunny and mid 60s. Flying near garden area in front of house where we usually hang a feeder. We hung our feeders after the sighting."  (04/09/2019)

From Mobile, AL: Doreen reminds us all how important it is to create habitats friendly to hungry hummingbirds. As she commented, "I chose not to mow down the many wildflowers in my yard..." Now Doreen is reporting nectaring Ruby-throated Hummingbirds in her backyard. (04/08/2019)

Western Hummingbird Species -- First sightings of Rufous Hummingbirds in Alaska.

From Elfin Cove, AK: Mary Jo reported, "This seems a few days early for first arrival."  (04/06/2019)

From Monroe, WA: Jill exclaimed, "This is the first time seeing Rufous at our home. There are two of them and they were pretty shy at first but are now warming up to us watching them. They are amazing!" (03/29/2019)

Western Hummingbird Species -- More Black-chinned, Calliope and Broad-tailed Hummingbirds Appear On the Scene

From Ivins, UT: Carla found her "First male Black-chinned Hummingbird at feeder this morning." (04/03/2019)

From Kettle Falls, WA: Rose Marie commented, "At 4 pm, I saw a male Calliope land on a feeder. It's quite windy here. All snow is melted and gone."  (04/10/2019)

From Colorado, CO: Patrick noted, "Our first male Broad-tailed hummer of the year. I was lucky enough to catch a shot of him perched in a tree. Unfortunately for him it's very windy and cold today. Hopefully we won't get too much snow tonight down here in the southwest part of Colorado Springs." (04/10/2019)

Keep Reporting and Submitting Photos!