As Spring Turns to Summer

May 26, 2020 by Team Journey North

This is the final American Robin News Update for spring 2020. Thank you for following along and helping us track American Robin spring migration. Keep sharing your observations throughout the summer.

"For the second spring in a row, robins are nesting in the rhododendron bush just outside my home office window. The pair of robins refurbished last year's nest during the second week of May. As of May 20, 2020, the female is on the nest. I have included a photo of last year's nestlings and hope to see this year's brood in a couple of weeks." Submission by: Jeffrey (Napoleon, OH: 5/20/2020)

Thank You!

Throughout North America, Journey North citizen scientists have submitted almost 2,000 reports (and counting) of American Robins during 2020 spring migration. The northernmost report came from Shageluk, AK.

Your reports provide valuable information and paint a real-time picture of migration as robins migrate northward, establish territories, build nests, and rear clutches of eggs. Amid these uncertain times, your beautiful photos and insightful reports of robins have spread joy throughout our Journey North community.

Thank you for sharing and following along!

End of the Migration Road

American Robins continue to arrive in the northern reaches of their range as spring migration wraps up and makes way for a busy nesting season.

From Anchorage, AK: AK said, “Very happy to finally see & hear robins in my neck of the woods!” (05/09/2020)

Signs of Nesting Season Abound

Nesting behavior is being widely reported. Keep your eyes peeled for nests, eggs, babies and fledglings!

From Closter, NJ: AnnMarie shared, “we have two robins' nests this year! The first one is in our carport, on an extension ladder. The second is on top of an artificial wreath on my front porch. I will need to collect my mail at another location.” (05/12/2020)

From Champaign, IL: Brenda noted, “I had wondered why I kept seeing robins in one of my dwarf cherry trees. I found a nest yesterday with three eggs in it.” (05/14/2020)

From Lincoln, OH: Debra spotted a, “mother robin feeding 3 babies in nest. They built their nest on top of a sunshade open to the elements." (05/15/2020)

From Albuquerque, NM: Robert said, “I have an American Robin nest in a tree in my side yard. Before she started laying eggs I put up two outdoor cameras to see her activity. She laid one egg on 5/16/2020, and another today, 5/17/2020.” (05/17/2020)

Plenty of Food 

With new mouths to feed, protein-rich food sources are a necessity. Luckily for robins, two of their favorite menu items, insects and earthworms, are both bountiful this time of year.

From York Haven, PA: Ginger said she, “started digging in garden and found dozens of earthworms in all sizes. Largest was ⅛ inch in diameter and 3.5 inches long.” (05/11/2020)

Fledgling Sighting!

From Thunder Bay, ON:  Angie said, “wow! I just saw my first fledgling of the season tonight at 9:30 pm EST. He must have just fledged as he was very wobbly in his flying. Spotty breast and wings. He still has tufts of duvet on his head. Last year, we had a nest of robins in our eaves the first fledgling of which hatched around May 31 and fledged on June 14, so this is almost one month earlier than last year.” (05/20/2020)

Last Week for "I Am Journey North"

This is the last week to submit your “I am Journey North” photos – this project will run until May 31st. Share what you love about Journey North and the migratory species and habitat you help by submitting data, following news updates and/or planting pollinator gardens. 

From Allenton, WI: Darleen shared, " [I] Have been converting our 5 acre property into native habitats since 2008. The photo is part of the woodland habitat. I've been submitting sightings and following many of your migrations for a few years now. It's fun to see what the rest of the world reports." (05/22/2020)

Thank you for your commitment to protecting migratory species and their habitat! 

Keep Reporting and Stay Tuned!

Even though the American Robin News Updates are ending for the season, you can still report general observations  and nesting behavior of robins until the end of July. You can also participate in other Journey North projects throughout the rest of spring and early summer. Report your sightings of hummingbirdsmonarchs, songbirds such as orioles, and much more

Have a great summer!