Eastern Monarch Fall 2021 Report #11


Published: 11/24/2021

Note: Observations highlighted in this report are from November 14–November 18. To explore more recent observations, check out "The Leading Edge" section of the news update and explore our maps.

Heading Toward Overwintering Sites

Migratory activity remained steady in northern Mexico as more monarchs drew closer to overwintering sites within the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve. 

Bonita in Monterrey, NLE: "They are flying over our house four or five at a time. We sat on our outside patio and watched for a couple of hours as the monarchs passed over head. They passed in two or three at a time. No great swarm. I really think we saw more than 200 but I didn’t want to exaggerate." (11/14/2021)

Lourdes in Santiago, NLE: "We saw many monarch butterflies flying south. The video showed the end of it, but we saw many more in a constant flight for about 12 minutes.
I counted groups of ten and there were at least 200 or 300 groups." (11/15/2021)

Moving Along the Gulf Coast of Texas

There was still much movement along the Gulf Coast as monarchs hurried on their way.

Brigid in Port O Connor, TX: "Adult monarch flying." (11/15/2021)

Michael in Loxley, AL: "Saw at least 20 migrating southward across a pasture during my lunch break." (11/17/2021)

Late Travelers

Along the Eastern Flyway, late travelers were spotted Pennsylvania, Virginia, and North Carolina. Will they make it to Mexico?

Katie in Nags Head, NC: "Adult flying toward Pea Island Lifesaving Station." (11/14/2021)

Karen in Broomall, PA: "Saw one adult in flight. Thought they were all gone from here!" (11/15/2021)

Julie in Williamsburg, VA: "Briefly visited a lantana then flew up into the oak trees and vines. 10:45am, windy and warm (65 degrees)." (11/18/2021)