Migration News: October 3, 2014
By Jane Duden
Report Sightings!

Single-bird reports dominated in a week when both hummer sightings and numbers took a dive. Observers reported more random and less frequent sightings as October cool fronts and showers sent hummers south. Keep your feeders up: Stragglers are sure to come.

“I read sightings from others, paying close attention to those north of me. I might have a few more opportunities to enjoy these amazing birds.”
Johnnie in Mesquite, TX 09/28/14

Report Your Hummingbird Sightings Weekly!

Migration Map
Hummingbird fall sightings
Report | Map | Animation
Migration Highlights
Hummingbird perched among yellow blossoms Hummingbird nectaring at flowers Hummingbird at feeder
Decreasing in Number
Deborah Repasz
Migrating by Day
Amy Evoniuk
Feeding and Flying
Karen Van Heest
Hummingbird perched by a tomato plant Hummingbird with pollen on bill Hummingbird resting at feeder
Hunting Protein
Amy Evoniuk
Transferring Pollen
Amy Evoniuk
Saying Farewell?
Carole Knight
Explore: Late Bloomers

What flowers are blooming in October? Hummingbirds depend on finding flowers all along their migration route. How do bloom times of plants relate to the hummingbirds' annual cycle?

Ruby-throated Hummingbird nectaring at red lobelia blossoms
Cheryl Roudebush
Next Update October 10, 2014
