Migration News: October 10, 2014
By Jane Duden
Report Sightings!

While rain and wind stalled hummingbirds in some areas, tail winds helped push the northerners south in two distinct waves this week. Very few now remain above 43 N.

"It was cold today with a bitter north wind and a cold night ahead. After 20 days without a hummingbird sighting, we were surprised to see our latest visitor ever. " Glenna in Mississauga, ON   10/08/14

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Migration Map
Hummingbird fall sightings
Report | Map | Animation
Migration Highlights
Hummingbird at blossom Ruby-throated Humminbird at feeder during rainfall
Vacating the North
Pamela Karlson
Getting Rained On
Laura Starks
Fighting Over Flowers
Cheryl Roudebush
Hummingbird with fluffed feathers on a cold day Rufous Hummingbird in Minnesota October 2014

Hummingbird feeding at wasp trap

Fluffing for Warmth
Amy Evoniuk
Visiting New Places
Art and Barb Straub
Surprising Observers
Patrick Hughes
Explore: Hummingbird Wintering Grounds

Patricia is one observer eagerly awaiting our northern hummingbirds to arrive south of the border. She lives in Costa Rica, a country about the size of Vermont and New Hampshire combined. See how Patricia describes this prime wintering habitat:

Article on Costa Rica, hummingbird winter habitat
Next Update October 17, 2014
