Migration News: October 17, 2014
By Jane Duden
Report Sightings!

A big dip in sightings signals a slowdown in the journey south. This week brought just half the number of reports and almost 60% fewer hummers than last week. Most reports are single-bird sightings, and many people are reporting their latest hummingbirds ever.

"We can't believe we are still seeing one here and there." Carolyn M. in Feyetteville, NC  10/13/14

Report Your Hummingbird Sightings Weekly!
No hummers? No report necessary.


Migration Map
Hummingbird fall sightings
Report | Map | Animation
Migration Highlights
Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird nectaring at salvia plant Wet, cold hummingbird at feeder Ruby-throated Hummingbird among flowers
Growing Scarce
Deborah Repasz
Hanging in There
Kate Parker
Choosing Flowers First?
Josephine Urdahl
Ruby-throated Hummingbird hovering over zinnia in the wind Hummingbird perched on a stem

Fighting Winds
Amy Evoniuk
Resting and Roosting
Amy Evoniuk
Inspiring Observers
Ann Fitzgerald
Explore: Hummingbird Range Map

Examine the hummingbird range map as you think about the landmass available in their breeding range and winter range.


Range map for Ruby-throated and Rufous Hummingbirds

Next Update October 24, 2014
