Continent, Country, City Clues
for MC #6
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March 17, 2017

"Say what? There are so many different languages spoken on our continent, that it has one of the highest number of languages of all the continents."

March 24, 2017

"What's in a name? To find our country, look to the past. We were formed from two countries that joined together about half a century ago. Our country's current name is a mix of the names of those two countries."

March 31, 2017

"If you dig deep, you'll discover that our region of the country is said to be the only place on Earth where this rare blueish mineral is found, in the same hills where it was first discovered."

Click image to enlarge.

Blueish Mineral
April 7, 2017

"Are you still wrestling with clues? No worries, the final set is here. Does your classroom look anything like this? Probably not, because we're not in a city, we're in a national park. That park is named for a river (not a lake) where animals of every sort gather, especially during the dry season."

Click image to enlarge.
ABerger (CC BY-NC 2.0)
