Migration Tracking Team and Other Key Partners
They're helping to pave the way to recovery for Whooping Cranes!
(Click on photos)


Dr. Richard Urbanek, ICF/FWS Project Biologist. He's look at cranes through his spotting scope! Dr. Urbanek assigns the banding codes and tracks the experienced "ultralcranes" all year round. Richard and Marianne Wellington are co-chairs of the DAR project.

Sara Zimorski, aviculturalist with International Crane Foundation (ICF). Sara helps watch over the chicks during their first winter in Florida. Using radio telemetry, Sara is a tracker for the new flock on their fall and spring migrations. Sara and Richard are co-chairs of the tracking team.

Marianne Wellington, chick-rearing specialist at ICF. Marianne, along with Richard Urbanek, is in charge of raising the chicks in the direct autumn release (DAR) group. She will also help supervise the new cranes at their home in Florida after they follow wild cranes there for their first winter.

Joan Garland, Education Outreach Coordinator at te International Crane Foundation (ICF). Joan travels with the migration team and visits schools along the route to teach kids about the cranes. To invite her to your classroom, use our feedback form and we'll do the rest.


Dr. Barry Hartup, Veterinarian with International Crane Foundation and Health Team Leader for WCEP.
He and his team keep the birds healthy.

Tom Stehn, Biologist at Aransas NWR
is the U.S. Leader of the International Crane Recovery Team, a
WCEP Partner.

Brian Johns, Canadian Wildlife Service Biologist, is the Canadian Leader of the International Crane Recovery Team.

Brian Clauss, Robert Doyle, and Barb Clauss— crane trainers/handlers at Patuxent WRC. They help at Necedah, too, and at points along the migration. Brian joined the ground crew on Nov. 9 as a tracker when Charlie went back to Patuxent.

Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).