Test Garden News: March 6, 2014
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Your Sightings!
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Test gardens are emerging! What pattern can you see on the maps?

Image of the Week
gardens under the snow
Photo: Patsy Bowen
Snow Day in the Garden
News: No Blooms Yet
No blooming Test gardens yet! Currently the lower 48 states have the 3rd highest snow cover on record for this late in the season. Still, Test gardens continue to emerge:

Fort Collins, Colorado
"We have a couple of bulbs emerging in our garden." 03/04/14

Bedford, Virginia
"The tulips are just above ground. The hyacinths and crocus are coming. We are expecting rain tonight and snow Monday." 03/02/14

Independence, Kansas
"Four bulbs emerged. It was -1° first thing this morning. We're not sure how the snow and ice will affect the new tulips." 03/03/14

St. Louis, Missouri
"We were stunned that three of our tulips have emerged. We have had one of the coldest winters we can remember. We hope more will emerge soon." 02/28/14

Still Waiting...

Hendersonville, North Carolina
"Our tulips were buried under 8 inches of snow. The temperatures have gotten warmer and we expect to see our tulips emerge from the ground very soon." 03/03/14

Meqoun, Wisconsin
"Still way too cold! Today is -5° with -20° wind chill. Still covered in at least a foot of ice and snow. More snow on the way!" 02/27/14

snow ice map
Snow and Ice
huge snowball
England Emerges
Photo: Christine Wojtania
huge snowball
High Elevation
Photo: Mary Sorenson
Slideshow: A Timeline Helps Make a Prediction
When second graders asked the question, "When will our tulips grow?" we followed along to learn how they built prediction timelines. climate
Explore: Maps and Journal
Map of Tulip Test Gardens in North America Journal: Science Notebooking
Mar. 6 | Index

Map of Tulip Test Gardens in Eurasia
North America
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Next Update March 13, 2014