Deadline to Participate Fast Approaching

October 4, 2021 by Team Journey North

The deadline to participate in the Symbolic Migration Project is fast approaching. Purchase your Passenger Ticket and submit your Classroom Ambassador Monarch and life-sized butterflies by Friday, October 8.

Photo by: Estela Romero

Help Us Reach Our Goal!

As of October 1, Susan Meyers from Monarchs Across Georgia reported receiving 670 Passenger Ticket purchases. Monarchs Across Georgia and Journey North set a goal of 1100 Passenger Tickets for the 2021-2022 season. Susan noted: "We are 61% of the way to our goal…only 430 more Passenger Tickets to go! Will you help us get there?"

Purchases will be accepted through midnight on October 8, but Ambassador Monarchs must be postmarked that same date.

For Students of All Ages

If you thought the Symbolic Migration project was only appropriate for K-12 students, think again! 

Dr. Stephanie ZwyghuizenProfessor of Mathematics at Jamestown Community College, recently engaged her students in the Symbolic Migration project.

Dr. Zwyghuizen wrote:

"My hope is that the Symbolic Migration participation will help broaden their understanding and help them recognize this as being bigger than an 'American” problem', and help them see that we have international allies. I didn’t have to do much adaptation to the activities. We reviewed the slide shows provided by Journey North in class and had Q&A and discussion as a class using some of the 'essential questions' as prompts for the discussion. I also pulled in a short PBS video onYouTube about monarch activity in the sanctuary. I created a brief follow-up assignment for students to write a couple of paragraphs describing three things they found most interesting as well as a short reflection on the meaning of the monarchs to the people in the sanctuary region. We have already begun a list of 'stakeholders' in monarch conservation, and by the end of the course, the students will be asked to look at the issue from various perspectives – who might care about monarch conservation, why might they care, and how would they be impacted (by extinction, by the inclusion of monarchs on the endangered species list, etc.)...Thank you so much! My class will be sending out our ambassador monarch early next week."

Register Today

Register today and help form youth-to-youth connections that will have a lasting impactThe cost to participate is a $15 Passenger Ticket per classroom. This $15 fee will cover printing and shipping costs for the Classroom Ambassador Monarchs, and most importantly, conservation education for students in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The deadline to purchase your Passenger Ticket and to submit your Classroom Ambassador Monarch and life-sized butterflies is Friday, October 8. 

And don't forget to place your school on the Journey North Symbolic Migration Participant Map!

See the Symbolic Migration Leader Packet for complete details.