Symbolic Migration 2008-2009

Symbolic Migration Map
of Returning Butterflies, Spring 2009


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Winter/Spring, 2009

May 5, 2009
The Symbolic butterflies are now flying the final legs of their long journeys. Soon they will arrive at your school. Your role as ambassador for protecting this amazing butterfly is an important connection for monarch conservation. Complete the project by going to the map and posting a note for the creator of each butterfly that landed in your classroom. Take a peek at the workshop at Journey North headquarters.
March 13, 2009
Your symbolic monarchs are back in MN at the staging grounds. Mark your calendars for their arrival back to your classroom May 5, 2009. Search by your school’s name and see your butterfly’s winter home in Mexico. Come along to visit a school near the Sierra Chinqua sanctuary in the winter of 2008. Photos capture the excitement of the students as they receive your butterflies. Then visit a student’s home.
February 9, 2009
Take a visit to the Mexican schools where YOUR symbolic monarch clusters were delivered last fall. View pictures of excited students receiving the butterflies and monarch booklets. Learn how you can use the new Symbolic Monarch search engine to locate your butterflies and see the Mexican students who are caring for them this winter. You may even see a student holding up YOUR butterfly!
January 14, 2009
A BIG thanks for all who contributed to raising funds for the Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary Foundation! A total of $9,947.20 was raised through your efforts. Please take a look at the list of contributors. While we wait for the monarchs to return, brush up on your Spanish and learn about the lives of the people who live in the monarch sanctuary region.

Fall, 2008

December 12, 2008
Thousands of hand-made paper butterflies are being distributed to school children in the sanctuary area of Mexico. These along with the real butterflies will stay in Mexico until spring when the migration north begins again. The total number of butterflies this year? 62,542! How good was your estimate? Find your name on the passenger list. And explore the life of a student in the sanctuary area.
Arrival_0062 November 28, 2008
The first shipment of symbolic butterflies has arrived at the sanctuaries! The second is on its way. How many butterflies do you predict will migrate in total? Today’s update will give you a big clue to help you make an accurate prediction. Journey North’s Elizabeth Howard recently visited with many of the schools near the Mexican sanctuaries. Meet the people in Mexican who make it possible to share your paper monarch ambassadors with children in the schools.
October 31, 2008
Muchas Mariposas! That is what you would find at the Journey North Symbolic Butterfly Capital of the World. Loads of butterfly cluster packets filled with booklets and butterflies will soon be on their journey to the sanctuary schools. Did you report your packet sent? Can you find your dot on the map? Take a sneak preview peak at the 2008 Symbolic Migration Art Gallery. Maybe you can spot your own butterfly!
October 9, 2008
Welcome to the 2008 Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration. Let's send butterflies to Mexico! The postmark deadline is approaching – October 14 - less than 1 week away. This is a reminder to follow all the steps for a successful migration. Read it carefully!

Send a Monarch to Mexico 2008!
News will be posted here this fall as the 13th annual "Symbolic Monarch Butterfly Migration" takes place across North America. Students in the United States and Canada are creating thousands of paper butterflies that will migrate to their counterparts in Mexico for the winter. You're invited to join the celebration.