Journey North Correlations
to National Standards (U.S.)


Lessons and activities for each Journey North study help you address education standards in a variety of disciplines. Here we highlight science, math, geography, and reading/language arts connections.

The science and math boxes below link to correlation charts for four popular Journey North projects. (You'll also find standards in math, science, and geography listed at the end of each Journey North activity and lesson page for these studies.) Also see Standards-Based Curriculum Planning.


Also see Background Lessons for Journey North

GEOGRAPHY (National Council for Geographic Education Standards)


Journey North investigations and language arts are natural companions that use overlapping skills. Both the reading process and scientific inquiry involve questioning, taking and reviewing notes, sequencing, analyzing, inferring, classifying, linking cause and effect, synthesizing, and drawing conclusions. Science inquiry also involves gathering scientific information through investigations and nonfiction text. Journey North students and good readers and writers dig into topics, ask questions about what they read, identify meaningful content, and reflect and write responses to journal questions.

These Journey North features bring language arts standards to life:

  • Reading and Writing Connections (Standards-based, best-practice strategies for reading, building vocabulary, and engaging students in learning. These are also featured in Journey North lessons and activities.)
  • Journey North for Kids Young observers are invited to look closely at compelling photos, reflect on what they see, ask questions, and make new discoveries.
  • Nonfiction Reading Booklets (You'll find these high-interest reading booklets and companion teaching strategies in the Journey North for Kids section of most projects.)
  • Journey North Journals and Questions (Journaling is central to sparking students' thinking and writing skills. You'll find jounaling questions in most News Updates and many lessons.)

If you or a colleague have connected Journey North projects to your State Standards in science or other subjects, we would love to publish them on this site. Please contact us via our feedback form if you're willing to share them.