Migration News: October 24, 2014
By Jane Duden
Report Sightings!

Numbers and sightings continue to drop, with just 198 hummingbirds—about half as many as last week—reported by Journey South observers. Migration is tapering off as hummers wing their way to the tropics.

"The last two days I've witnessed a remarkable drop in the numbers here in Willis. Until this week we had about a dozen still visiting the few feeders remaining up." Kenneth D. in Willis, Texas  10/22/14

Report Your Hummingbird Sightings Weekly!
No hummers? No report needed.


Migration Map
Hummingbird fall sightings
Report | Map | Animation
Migration Highlights
Young male Ruby-throated Hummingbird on feeder Male Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Going, Going...
Kathryn Figueroa
Worrying Observers
Cheryl Keller
Straggling Along
Becky Cook
Female Ruby=throated Hummingbird at basket of pink petunias

Praying mantis on hummingbird feeder

Finding Flowers
Candice Williamson
Facing Enemies
Mae Watson
Fueling and Fattening
Ray Andrews
Explore: Surviving Cold

Hummingbirds eat from dawn till dark to fuel their activities and maintain the right body temperature. What happens when there's not enough food? When they drink too-cold sugar water? When they go to sleep on chilly nights?

What adaptation helps hummingbirds survive cold?

Hummingbird with feathers fluffed on a cold morning
Elizabeth Bartlet
Next Update October 31, 2014
