Journey North News |
Spring 2014: Wednesdays, February 5 - June 11, 2014 |
June 4, 2014
Between feeder visits, hummingbirds are gathering natural nectar and catching bugs to fuel them up this summer.
Photo: Carolyn Misener |
May 28, 2014
As longer days arrive in North America the hummingbirds continue their migrations to the far reaches of their ranges.
Photo:Richard Samuel |
May 21, 2014
As the hummingbird migration continues, more Canadians are welcoming North America's smallest backyard birds.
Photo: Nathaniel Flinchum |
May 14, 2014
It's May and migrations are pushing their northern limits. It's time for the females to get working on nesting and rearing the young.
Photo: John Doerper |
May 7, 2014
It's May and hummingbirds are reaching for the northernmost parts of their vast breeding range. Are you seeing courtship, mating, and nesting behavior?
Photo: Jack Moskovita |
April 30, 2014
Once courtship is in full swing, hummingbirds will be busy with nest-building and the next generation.
Photo: Alex Komarnitsky |
April 23, 2014
As more females arrive on the breeding grounds, males that have established territories begin courtship.
Photo: Geri De Boer |
April 16, 2014
Hummingbirds are on the move. Rufous are moving east into the Rocky Mountains while
ruby-throats are headed up the Atlantic Coast.
Photo: Jack Moskovita |
April 9, 2014
High winds brought an unexpected hummingbird to South Dakota. Hummingbird migration continues to advance this week.
Photo: Debra Hopkins |
April 2, 2014
With the calendar turning to April, the migration is in full swing. Watch the maps and get your feeders ready.
Photo: Jack Moskovita |
March 26, 2014
Over 100 first rubythroat and rufous sightings came in this week — including one from a research vessel in the Gulf of Mexico!
Photo: Allison Heater |
March 19, 2014
Rufous hummingbirds crossed into Canada this week while ruby-throats are just beginning to move northward.
Photo: Sarah Mayhew |
March 12, 2014
With one week until the spring equinox, birds are on the move. Hummingbird spotters will be rewarded for full feeders when their earliest migrants arrive.
Photo: TJ Wallace |
March 5, 2014
Excitement abounds as hummingbirds slowly continue to arrive in coastal areas.
Photo: C. Pascoe |
February 26, 2014
The first migrating ruby-throated hummingbirds have arrived in Gulf Coast states. This week, explore the migration route and think about how prevailing winds affect migration.
Photo: Russ Thompson |
February 19, 2014
What flying jewels can be seen right now along the Pacific Coast? Follow along on a trip to tropical Costa Rica where rubythroats go during the cold northern winter.
Photo: John Doerper |
February 5, 2014
Welcome to our 21st season! While we wait for the start of the spring migration, watch the maps for sightings reported during this in-between season.
Photo: Kenneth Drake |
Seeing Hummingbirds?
Get ready to report your observations this spring as hummingbirds return to your backyard from their wintering grounds. With your help, we'll make a real-time map of hummingbird migration.
Image: Russ Thompson |
Archived Seasons |
Explore previous migration seasons:
Image Russ Thompson |