Fall 2014 Ultralight-led Migration

Led by ultralight aircraft, this fall's young Whooping cranes of the new Eastern Flock migrate from Wisconsin to Florida.
Migration News: Mondays

Weet weekly updates will be posted here on Mondays:

December 26, 2014: Freedom!
The young cranes were given their freedom Dec. 23 but will be rounded up once more banding on January 5.

NEWS FLASH December 11, 2014: Migration Complete!
Today's 23-mile flight landed the seven young cranes at St. Marks NWR in Florida. They're home for the winter!

December 8, 2014: Just 187 Miles to Go!
They're now in Pike County, Alabama, and cranes #4 and #10 are back in the air.

December 1, 2014: Zooming Ahead!
Big progress puts them just over 300 miles from the finish!

November 24, 2014: Exercise But No Progress
Winds, rain and the cranes' waning loyalty to the aircraft kept progress to zero in Carroll County, Tennessee.

November 17, 2014: Plan B—Hello, Tennessee!
The birds were transported to Tennessee to resume migration.

November 10, 2014: New Plan, Tiny Progress
Flying the birds in two shifts brought five miles of progress.

November 3, 2014: One Attempt, No Progress
Still at stopover #3 despite one good take-off: all dropped out.

October 27, 2014: One Advance
They reached Stopover #3 on their one good fly-day.

October 20, 2014: No Gains
Still at Stopover #2, stalled 9 days by south winds and rain.

October 13, 2014: Two Stops and a Surprise
Now at Stopover #2, they're stalled by south winds and rain.

October 10, 2014: NEWS FLASH: Fall Migration Departure
The 2014 southward aircraft-guided Whooping crane migration is underway! Their first stop is a short, 5-mile hop.

October 6, 2014: Aircraft-led Migration Starts This Week!
Operation Migration departure is expected on the first good-weather day this week. Meet the cranes!




Progress map of stopovers
Fall 2014 Migration
map | stopovers

Daily Field Journal
Operation Migration posts migration updates daily so you can follow along.

Keep a Migration Journal
Summarize year 12 of this historic conservation effort in your own migration journal.

Meet the Cranes
Get to know this year's young cranes by reading their life histories.

Journey North is presented by Annenberg Learner. Partial funding for this fall's news updates are made possible through Operation Migration by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Southern Company through the Power of Flight Program.

Produced in Collaboration with the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership