Spring Migration 2015
Finding Food
February 10, 2015
Journey North's citizen scientists reported winter robins in 46 states and 6 provinces. What are they eating? Observers report surprises! |
A Very Cold Week
February 17, 2015
Robins have hunkered down in the wintry blasts of the past week. Reports of sightings fell to just 126!How are they coping with the cold? |
Winter Still Rules
February 24, 2015
The deep cold drives hungry robins flocking to trees, shrubs, and vines where they fuel for flight and warmth on winter berries. |
Peak Migration Month
March 3, 2015
March is peak migration month. Know what to watch for with our robin observation checklist! |
Changes Ahead
March 10, 2015
Change is in the air! Where are robins finding food as winter ends and spring begins? |
Warmer Weather
March 17, 2015
Reports of robins soared as warmer weather brought their first surge northward. How's that for a welcome sign of spring?
Official Spring Arrives
March 24, 2015
The week didn't bring a big push north and the robin chorus has barely begun, but spring arrived with more first-robin sightings and songs! |
Spring Slows
March 31, 2015
In a slow week for migration and robin song, a banded robin returns once again to "his" back yard! Also: Answers from the expert! |
More Robins Singing
April 7, 2015
The robin chorus is spreading and the rush for robin real estate is on. Find out if your neighborhood has what a robin seeks in a territory. |
Robins Nesting
April 14, 2015
Nesting reports increased this week and spring robin behaviors thrilled observers in much of the robins' range. Can you name the tune they're singing? |
Migrating, Settling, Nesting
April 21, 2015
Many robins are still on the move, while others have begun the nesting cycle. What three things can newborn robins
already do? |
End of the Trail
April 28, 2015
Robins have reached the end of the migration trail! More nesting is underway, and baby robins soon will hatch. |
Track Migration as a Citizen Scientist!
You're invited to help track migration each spring
as robins travel to their spring breeding grounds. |
Family Time
May 5, 2015
From Florida to Alaska and California to Canada, robins are home. Now comes the serious business of raising new little robins. |
Explore previous migration season: